Posted by Jono - Tactical Solutions on 13th Jan 2021
Eyewear horror stories
Horror stories!
There have been a lot of smashed up eye-wear stories coming through in the last two weeks.
Please make sure that if you are using safety eyewear that you have the correct ANSI rated 87.1 or even better Milspec rated versions.
So what's the difference between the ANSI and Milspec versions?
The US Military impact standard is over six times the kinetic energy level of the Z81+ or the ANSI typical industry standard.
What does that mean?
Watch this. Stuff gets shot.
Seems like tech like that would be expensive!?
It would seem like that, but, we have some Milspec rated safety eyewear from ESS that a lot of different Defence forces around the world use. Our Defence force also uses them and because of our bulk buying volume, you get them at a really good rate.
You can also build your kit with different lenses....or if you need to replace any, you can grab a spare very easily.
For replacement lenses, frame comms kit, nose pies go HERE.
Always make sure you have the right gear for the job and don't cut's not worth it.
Here are a stories from the field.